I’ve been beach shark fishing for about 20 years now and I want to teach you how to safely catch and release a toothy shark on the beach. Surf fishing for sharks is one of the most fun and rewarding hobbies. And it happens to be my favorite hobby.
Shark fishing is one of the least appreciated types of fishing. Especially when you’re doing it from a beautiful sandy beach. Most people think of sharks as ‘man eaters’, but they are actually some of the best sports fishing to be had. If you’re looking for something to do while enjoying your next beach vacation, surf fishing for sharks can provide an adrenaline-filled experience and a picture worth a thousand words.
In this guide, you will learn:
- The best shark fishing gear
- The best locations to shark fish
- What to use for shark bait
- How to catch and release a shark from the beach
Why fish for Sharks?
Shark fishing’s popularity is skyrocketing, and it’s easy to see why. Imagine squaring off with the ocean’s toughest customer using nothing but a rod, reel, and maybe a bit of bravery (or insanity). It’s the kind of sport that turns fishing tales into epic sagas. You don’t need a boat the size of a mansion or gear that breaks the bank. A sturdy rod, a stretch of beach, and a sense of adventure will do. Thanks to the internet, anglers worldwide are swapping fish tales and advice like never before, creating a community that’s both passionate and slightly bonkers. It’s a blend of the primal thrill of the hunt and the joys of modern connectivity, making shark fishing the go-to for anyone looking to earn serious bragging rights.
Whether you’re a newbie looking to dive into the deep end or a seasoned pro hunting for your next big thrill, shark fishing offers an unmatched mix of excitement and challenge. After all, it’s not every day you get to say you’ve outsmarted one of the ocean’s most formidable inhabitants.
Why I Love Shark Fishing
At Hilton Head Island in South Carolina, my dad and I had setup one night on an incoming tide. We were inexperienced and just hoping for the big one. As the tide was coming in we had to move the poles back to stay dry. As soon as I pulled the bail back my hand felt like it was on fire. When I realized what was going on I could no longer hold the line. Screaming my fool head off, my dad grabbed the pole, locked the bail, and set the hook. SNAP! The pole broke in half! Needless to say we never saw the creature of the deep.
All that to say, fishing for shark is some adrenaline-pumping fishing!
Introduction to Beach Shark Fishing

With 5730 miles of coastline in the United States, there is plenty of water for sharks to roam. Sharks are found along all coastlines in the US, but gulf coast states see the majority of these magnificent creatures. The Pacific coast has their fair share of sharks cruising the beaches. These sharks are generally the larger shark species (including the Great White Shark).
Millions of people visit coastal regions for vacation every year and few know that fishing for shark is even an option. Let’s face the facts. There are more sharks on the beaches than anyone would care to recognize. You would be amazed at the number of sharks swimming among beach goers.
Is Shark Fishing Dangerous?
What’s important to remember is that sharks don’t purposely bite people. We aren’t a natural food source for them. The majority of bites you hear about on the news are caused by being at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Let’s say you’re out swimming in the waves and below you a school of bait fish has just surrounded you. You don’t know it, but the 6 foot Blacktip was in the area and has just found its meal for the day. Unfortunately for you, you accidentally got bit!
Beach shark fishing is truly wonderful because you can enjoy the beach and all its beauty, and at the same time have the chance at experiencing one of the greatest creatures that roams the waters. Not to mention an adrenaline rush that is second to none.
In this guide, you will learn:
The Best Gear
Learn about essential equipment and techniques for effectively catching sharks. This covers topics such as bait selection, rod and reel recommendations, and safety precautions to ensure a successful and responsible fishing experience.
Best Locations to Shark Fish
Discover various locations I’ve personally experienced for shark fishing. Includes tips on choosing the best spots based on species, seasons, and local regulations. We provide valuable insights for planning your next shark fishing adventure.
What to Use for Shark Bait
Shark bait! Woo Ha Ha! Delve into the art of selecting and preparing effective baits for shark fishing, including insights into the best types of natural and artificial baits, as well as tips for maximizing your chances of attracting and hooking these apex predators.
How to Catch and Release a Shark from the Beach
Explore strategies, techniques, and safety considerations specific to catching sharks from shore. This article offers valuable advice on gear selection, bait presentation, and location scouting for an exciting and rewarding beach fishing experience.
Check out the rest of the Shark Fishing Guide:

Shark Fishing – Best Shark Fishing Locations
Beach Shark Fishing – How to Catch Shark From the Beach
Shark Fishing – How to Find or Catch Bait