If you’re considering learning how to play the piano, you may have already decided to invest in a private instructor. But if you’ve yet to bite the bullet and are still considering alternative ways to learn how to play, online lessons might be just the thing you’re looking for! There are many benefits to online lessons And of course, there are also the inevitable downsides. Here are some things to consider–both good and bad–when deciding to take online piano lessons:

Costs vary, of course, but in general online lessons are significantly cheaper than real-world instruction. Online lessons are recommended for people who aren’t entirely sure they’ll want to continue playing as the money invested in the hobby is much less.
Online lessons are perfect for people who have scheduling conflicts or whose schedule changes regularly. Also, if you’re somewhat of a flake –c’mon, be honest here–and/or if you’re likely to cancel class at the drop of a hat, online lessons are probably a good bet.
Online lessons are great because they allow you to move at your own pace. Many of the lessons offered online cost a one-time fee–not a “by-the-hour” charge, as is common with a private instructor. With online lessons, you can pace yourself, giving yourself as much–or as little–time as you need to complete the lesson.
A few warnings:
Not all online lessons are worth their weight in gold – Just like with a private instructor, some online lessons are better than others. Spend some time searching around online for the perfect lesson before you decide on one. Some websites even offer a free sample tutorial; this is a good bet as it will allow you to see whether or not the class will be worth your time.
Some people are better off with a private tutor – Some people have trouble with online classes because they don’t learn well on their own. They need the instruction of another in order to be their best. Some people might be more likely to give up trying to learn how to play if they aren’t pushed to learn by someone else. You know yourself best–if any of these things sound like they might be a problem, online lessons might not be for you.