Everyone wants to get better at anything they do. This is especially true with smoking pipes. Sometimes you may have learned how to do something wrong and have just done it that way because you didn’t know any better. Well this article on pipe smoking tips and smoking tricks you might just learn a thing or two.
Check out the tips and see if they help out your pipe smoking experience. If you’ve got a tip feel free to post it in the comments section. I’ll add it to the list to help out the next pipe smoker that stops by.

Tips for Choosing your First Pipe
- Don’t buy a brand new briar pipe as your first pipe. I recommended you purchase a corn cob pipe for your first cheap tobacco pipe, but if that doesn’t suite your fancy consider a meerschaum or an broken-in estate pipe.
- Purchase a couple different styles of corn cob pipes to get a feel for what is comfortable to you. It will make your decision much easier when you want to upgrade to a briar or meerschaum pipe.
Tips for Choosing Pipe Tobacco
- Captain Black pipe tobacco is the most popular tobacco ever sold. A must try.
- Beginner pipe smokers are highly recommended to start out smoking an aromatic blend of pipe tobacco.
- Try to smoke several bowls of the same tobacco to get a good feeling for the taste. Mixing several tobacco in the same pipe will change the taste, so be careful how much mixing and matching you do.
- New tins of tobacco may need moisture adjustments. Generally a new tin is a tad wet, so let it sit out on a napkin for a few minutes before packing your pipe.
- Never pinch your pipe tobacco when packing your pipe.
- Reference TobaccoReviews for the best tobacco reviews on the net.
General Pipe Smoking Tricks
- Pack the tobacco very loose on the bottom. Remember your pipe is like a furnace which feeds the flame from the bottom. Packing your pipe to tightly on the bottom will make it difficult to draw air through the stem.
- The draw on your pipe should have little to no resistance. Experiment. Find what works for you.
- If your pipe goes out while smoking don’t be scared to relight.
- If you have to relight consider dumping some of the ash from the bowl.
Make sure to check out the rest of the pipe smoking guide below. Also don’t miss our list of the most popular hobbies for men.
Pipe Smoking Guide

Tobacco Reviews: The Top 10 Pipe Tobaccos of 2024

Pipe Smoking Problems and How to Fix Them

Must-Have Pipe Accessories

Pipe Smoking – Learn How To Smoke a Tobacco Pipe

Review of MacQueen Pipe – Classic Churchwarden

Breaking In a New Tobacco Pipe

Pipe Collecting

Buying Estate Pipes

Smoking Pipe 101

Buying Pipe Tobacco

Finding the Best Tobacco Pipe