NotSoBoringLife.Com is growing fast, as evidenced by our daily traffic and #1 search engine position for “pipe smoking” and “shark fishing“. If you are a pipe smoking retailer or shark fishing guide you can get great exposure for your products or services on our site. Why spend money on typical media? If you are serious about selling your product, you can’t afford to not take a look at online advertising options.
We would be happy to work with you, creating a custom package that best fits your business needs. We’d love to make you the exclusive sponsor of either of our guides that are producing over 40,000 page views per month. This is real traffic for people ready to learn and purchase equipment. We’ll push those silly Google Adsense ads aside, to make room for your advertisements on each and every page.
Product Reviews
We would be happy to review your pipe smoking or shark fishing related product. A brief overview summary with a link to the full review would be posted on our home page. The summary would stay on our home page for at least two weeks, providing traffic to the full page review, which would become a permanent part of Not So Boring Life.
We would love to hear from you. Contact Us today and we’ll get a package together that will benefit your business.