Now that you’ve figured out what kind of wax you want to use as well as having bought your supplies the next thing you’ll want to do is learn how to make votive candles! First, pick a good work area and cover it with newspaper. You don’t want any of the wax to spill on the surface. Now it’s time to begin making candles!
Votive candles are one of the easiest kind of candles to learn how to make. Following these directions will teach your how to make simple, beautiful votive candles with ease.
Step 1: Melt the Wax
Melt your wax so that it remains between 170 and 185 degrees.

Step 2: Add the Extras
Add any additives you might need to the wax. This depends on what kind of wax you’re using, of course. If, for instance, your candles will be exposed to bright light, then you might want to consider adding something like a U-V inhibitor. This is not a necessary step, of course, so use your own judgment. At this point, you may also add any candle dye and/or fragrance to the wax mix.
Step 3: Pour the Wax
Pour the wax! Once the wax is at approximately 175 degrees or so, pour the wax into the votive mold, making sure that it fills to the lip. Any more or less than this and the votive might either overflow or create lines in the candle once it is removed. Be careful! You should have some leftover wax at this point, which you will use later on.

Step 4: Add the Wicks
Add the wicks. Once the wax begins to cool and congeal, straigthen your wick and stick it into the votive candle. The tab, of course, should stick to the bottom.

Step 5: Repour the Wax
Repour the wax. When the wax already in the candle mold has cooled, you will notice it has sunken down a bit. This is where you use the remainder of the wax. Melt this wax to about 185-195 degrees this time and pour it onto the votive mold until it reaches the very top. Try not to spill!
Step 6: Let Them Cool
Once your candle is completely cool, remove it from the votive mold. Don’t get antsy–make sure they really are completely cool or else they wont come out. If, for some reason, you do get antsy and it doesn’t work, stick the candle in the freezer and it should be ready to go within 10 minutes.
Congratulations– now you know how to make votive candles! You may now consider candle making one of your new favorite hobbies!
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