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HomePipe SmokingPipe Smoking Problems and How to Fix Them

Pipe Smoking Problems and How to Fix Them

How to fix pipe smoking problems

Correcting a Pipe That Smokes Lousy

A pipe that smokes lousy can be corrected by thoroughly cleaning it, and mildly leeching with food grade alcohol. 190-proof Everclear is best. (Invite me over if you buy too much! >HickUp<). Then follow the process to break in the pipe, using the Rule of Thirds.

Gurgly, Wet Pipes

Gurgly, wet pipes are a nuisance, like a dog that keeps doing their business inside the house. The tobacco you are using could be the problem. Try laying paper out and placing the tobacco on top to dry out overnight, or a few hours. You may need to age other tobaccos a few months.

Another solution could be removing any filter element that is not immediately serviceable. You may need to sand the bowl with 320-grit paper and remove the heavy and often shiny, finish.

Your pipe should gently sweat, and breathe. If you must use varnish, the best one I like is Min-Wax Wipe On Polyurethane. Wipe it on, wait half a minute, then wipe it off. Allow the pipe to dry eight hours between applications. You may want to apply carnauba after the final coat has dried eight hours. I like Min-Wax Paste Furniture Wax. Rub the pad of your finger onto the wax and gently massage the wax onto the briar. A few coats will be needed. Buff, buff, buff. It cannot be overstated.

Beware of Altering Your Pipe-Smoking Experience

Remember: Anything that you do to your pipe will result in changing the way it will taste and smoke. You may shift where the flavor tones rest. From the top of your tongue, to the back of your mouth, or to the roof of your mouth.

In fact, what you light your pipe with, also accounts for taste. I cannot use butane. I simply can’t stand the taste of butane, so I use a fuel Zippo. It scorches the rim of the bowl, but I am a longtime and serious pipe smoker, so it doesn’t bother me. On many of my previous pipes, I colored the rims black.

With this information, many of the newer and perhaps a few older pipe smokers, may want to purchase other type of pipes. Rosewood, Pearwood, Cherrywood, Maplewood, Lemonwood, Etc. All very nice pipes.

Now you know how to correct a pipe that does not smoke well or does not taste too good. It’s worth the effort. A pipe that smokes beautifully, is priceless to it’s owner.

Make sure to check out the rest of the pipe smoking guide below. Also don’t miss our list of the most popular hobbies for men.

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