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Parasites Infecting Humans – What Everyone Ought To Know

6 Common Parasites Infecting Humans

Dr Oz show Oprah a tapeworm. One of the many human-infecting parasites

Parasites are literally everywhere! They start out in the nastiest of places, like stool. Then they find their way on to your pets. Once on your pets its only a matter of time before they’re in your carpet, and with no warning they’ve worked their way it to your large intestine. Once parasites make it to your large intestine they can live there for yearsundetected! It’s time for you to take action against these parasites that can infect humans!

Believe it or not, 90% of the world’s population will have a problem with these energy and nutrient draining microscopic organisms. There are over 1000 different types of parasites that can infect a human being. The worst part is that only 1% of these parasites will show up in regular testing run by your medical doctor.

With that said, the parasites most likely to infect you are: Pinworms, Giardia, Roundworms, Hookworms, Tapeworms, and Flukes. Each are frightening in their own right. If you suspect you’ve been infected with a parasite read on for symptoms, pictures, and natural cures.

Roundworms – #1 Parasite Infecting Humans

The Human-Infecting Parasite, Roundworm

Here is a staggering statistic: the World Heath Organization reported that about 25% of the world’s population is infected with roundworm. That’s easily over 1 billion people infected by this human-infecting parasite. Roundworms can grow up to 15 inches inside the intestines and can lay as many as 300,000 eggs in a single day. Once the larvae hatches it only takes about 2 months before they are able to reproduce.

You’ll have many of the same symptoms as the hookworms including ‘flu like’ symptoms and abdominal pain. If you get an infection of 13″ roundworms, it’s likely your intestines will become blocked, at which point you’ll wish for nothing short of death. Also if you start vomiting be on the lookout! They have been known to be present in the toilet after vomiting or a healthy bowel movement.

Roundworms – Treatment

These human-infecting parasites are extremely sensitive to the use anti-parasitic medications and is the primary treatment for roundworm infections. There are several different medications available depending on the type and severity of the infection. In very rare cases surgical procedures may be necessary. Roundworm infections can easily inflame the colon and severely limit the absorption of essential nutrients, including vitamins A and B6. Wormwood ( Artemisia absinthium ), black walnut ( Juglans nigra ), and clove ( Syzygium aromaticum) are commonly used in combination herbal formulas for parasitic infections. We highly recommend the Ultimate Colon Cleanse and the Dr. Floras Cleanse to treat roundworm infections as they both contain wormwood, black walnut, and cloves in their parasite treatment plans.

Pinworms – #2 Parasite Infecting Humans

The highly contagious Parasite, Pinworms

Over 500 million people are infected with pinworms, with the majority of these being children. These parasites will awaken you in the middle of the night by an intense itching around the anus. If you’ve experienced this you’ve likely been infected by pinworms for 2-3 months. Pinworms, also known as threadworms, will sneak out at night to lay their eggs on the fertile skin surrounding your anus.

In order to confirm a pinworm infestation a flashlight can be used to inspect a stool sample. Pinworms will show up as ‘glowing’ and about 1/3″ long. Another method for pinworm detection is a piece of tape on the perianal skin. Press the tape to the skin surrounding the anus and remove and examine it for eggs or worms. Once you remove the parasites, you might want to consider using a lotion made with hemp to help you heal.

Pinworms are one of the most contagious human-infecting parasites and will contaminate family members, bed sheets, clothing, carpet, and under your fingernails. Ensure fingernails are kept short and avoid scratching the anus. Take a shower at least once per day and change clothes and bed linens daily as well.

Pinworms Treatment

Pinworms are also extremely sensitive to wormwood, black walnut, and cloves, so a colon cleansing product with these ingredients are effective in treating pinworm infections. If someone in the family has been infected its a really good idea to treat all family members to ensure the parasite is removed complete and reinfection does not continue.

Giardia – Waterborne Human-Infecting Parasites

Giardia is one of the most common waterborne parasites. Its immune to chlorinated water and can live in cold water for about 2 months. The reason Giardia is tough to kill is because its protected by an outer shell. As it’s passed through stool it is able to live for a much longer time than most parasites.

You’re likely to be infected by Giardia from swallowing contaminated water in swimming pools, fountains, hot tubs, lakes, rivers, or ponds. Also eating uncooked food or picking up contaminated diapers, bathroom fixtures, or toys.

About a week or two after you’ve been infected you’ll likely experience diarrhea. Don’t be surprised if this is accompanied gas, cramps, or greasy stool.

Giardia Treatment

Treatment for this human-infecting parasite is Furoxone. This drug is prescribed by a doctor. Here again a colon cleanse product can be used to flush the parasites from your system.

Hookworms – Terrifying Human Parasites

The Human-Infecting Parasite, Hookworms

Hookworms are one of the nastiest looking parasites. These pictures show a hookworm feasting on your intestines. Hookworms generally enter through the skin, usually through bare feet, and migrate through the bloodstream to the lungs and intestines. The also may be ingested through contaminated food or water.

You may have itchiness or redness where the larvae penetrate the skin (most likely your feet). If they make it undetected into your system you may have a dry cough, blood-tinged septum, wheezing, and a low grade fever. If the larvae make it all the way to your intestines they’ll begin sucking blood at which point you’ll lose your appetite, experience killer diarrhea, and most likely double over in abdominal pain, not to mention anemia.

There are several medicinal treatments available for hookworms, but herbal remedies are also common. Hookworms are sensitive to wormwood, wormseed, garlic, fig among many other herbs. It some cases you may need to treat anemia symptoms if they arise which could take up to 3 months for it to resolve itself. Again a colon cleanser with a blend of anti parasitic herbs is recommended to get hookworms under control quickly. We highly recommend the Ultimate Colon Cleanse, but the Dr. Floras treatment is excellent as well.

Schistosoma – Blood Vessel Parasites

The Parasite, Schistosoma

These microscopic parasites are also know as blood flukes and are known to the World Health Organization as the second biggest danger to society next to Malaria. They call blood vessels home and can pass their eggs through urine and feces.

Schistosoma infections are normally contracted from contaminated water. These parasites in the infective stages are called cercaria. It swims freely in open bodies of water. On contact with a human, the parasite burrows into the skin, and begins maturing into the next larval stage (schistosomula), it then migrates to the lungs and liver where it matures into the adult form. The parasite then migrates to the bladder, rectum, intestines, liver, portal venous system, spleen, and lungs.

Schistosomiasis are not usually found in the United States. However, it is prevalent in many tropical or subtropical areas, and it is a common illness thought to affect more than 200 million people.

Symptoms of this parasite would include fever, chills, or perhaps a cough. Your body actually has a severe reaction to the eggs, not the worm itself. Repeated infection can damage the liver, intestines, lungs, and bladder.

Tapeworms – The 20′ Parasite

The Human-Infecting Parasite, Tapeworms

In the true spirit of parasites, we’ve saved the best for last. Tapeworms are the biggest parasites that can measure upwards of 20 FEET long! If you suspect you have a tapeworm parasite infestation keep an eye on your stool because these guys are so long they tend to break off. As long as the head remains attached in the intestine they will continue to grow. Humans are generally infected by tapeworms through cattle, so cook your meat well. Tapeworms will bore through the intestinal wall of the cow and lodge themselves in the muscle where you ingest them.

If you don’t believe these guys can get to 20′ check out the picture at the top of this page from the Oprah show. Dr. Oz and Oprah are holding onto a huge tape worm. There is no denying that these guys are big and nasty. There symptoms are pretty nasty too.

Tapeworm symptoms are similar to the others including abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, and constipation. If you’re looking to lose a couple pounds you might consider letting a couple tapeworms take up residence in your intestines. It is rumored that tapeworms were a core ingredient of some diet pills.

Several medicinal and herbal options are available to cure parasites from your body. We recommend you stick with the Ultimate Colon Cleanse as its blended to kill all parasites residing in the intestinal track.

Conclusion About Parasites

Parasites are everywhere. Dogs. Cats. Kids. Adults. There are many things you can do like washing your hands and fully cooking your food that can significantly reduce your risk of getting parasites, but you’ll never be absolutely sure they are gone. If you’re looking for a precautionary measure try the Bromalite Cleanse especially if you’re hoping to lose a few pounds. It has just the right blend to make parasites not want to hang around. If you’re sure you’ve got parasites then you need to stick with the Ultimate Colon Cleanse or the Dr. Floras Cleanse as they both have a terrefic anti-parasitic blend of natural herbs. A healthy colon ensure that your intestines are not a breeding ground for these nasty organisms.

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