Darts is a great hobby that can be very social, or even solo.

Why –
Picking up darts as a hobby has some great benefits.
Precise Hand eye Coordination:
Unlike many other sports or games, darts is unique in that it develops very precise hand eye coordination.
You can meet a lot of people and make many connections when you learn to play darts. Either through darts completion and tournaments or playing some games at your local dive bar.
You can get started for the cost of a beer! Go down to you local pub, grab a beer, and start playing. Or, get a board and some darts sent your home from Amazon. Here’s a great start board and a more serious board.
What is –
Darts is a sport where you two or more players throw feathers projectiles (darts) at a target (dartboard).
How to –
Here’s a great video on how to play darts.
Check out out Ultimate List of Hobbies for a not-so-boring-life.