In recent years, TV shows based on antiques and collectibles have really gained traction with American audience in the last few years. These shows have wide appeal to both the serious collector as well as the casual TV viewer for a few reasons.

- Each show is at least semi-educational, as the viewer will learn interesting facts about collectibles and the time period in which they were made.
- Viewers can’t help but wonder if grandma’s old clock that has been sitting in the attic for the last ten years might be worth big money.
- In the hard times seen in the Great Recession, viewers love to see the resourcefulness of entrepreneurial spirits during these difficult times.
So if you are a collector or just love good TV, you should tune into some of these shows. In no particular order, here are 4 of TV’s best shows for collectors. If you’re already a busy collector and don’t want to miss an episode don’t forget to program your DVR. Currently DirecTV has the most advanced DVR on the market.
1. American Pickers – One of America’s favorite TV shows, this History Channel hit became an instant classic. It chronicles the cross-country journeys of two dealers, Frank Fritz and Mike Wolfe on their mission to rescue old and forgotten treasures. The shows tandem are extremely knowledgeable about a wide array of collectibles, and both Fritz’s and Wolfe’s personalities come out in witty and entertaining ways. Perhaps one of the most good-feel aspects of the show is that the duo always seems to offer fair prices to the “pickees” of the show, which leaves the audiences with a warm and fuzzy feeling. This is in a stark contrast to some off the other TV shows out there, which is just one of the reason why American Pickers is so popular.

2. Antiques Roadshow – This TV show is the granddaddy of all collectible TV shows, celebrating 17 seasons in 2012. The show was originally aired in the UK but quickly found a home on the American PBS. The show follows the Antique Road show which tours around the country. Folks from all around vie for tickets to see how much their personal items are worth. There are some big booms, and busts from this educationally rich TV show.
3. Auction Hunters – This is a relatively new show that follows s format similar to a treasure hunt. Starring Allen Haff and Ton Jones, the two venture out to storage unit auctions in hopes of finding valuables. Each storage unit is unseen, save for the doorway, so the show plays off the idea that each storage locker may very well be a hidden treasure. The bidders do not know what they have bought until after the locker has been sold. Featured on Spike TV, this show appeals to the treasure hunter in us all.
4. Pawn Stars – This is another show brought to you courtesy of the History Channel. The show highlights all the glitz and glamor of Las Vegas (in which the store is located) and couples it with all the interesting nuances that come with operating a family business. Throw in interesting pawns of unique antiques with lots of history and you have one really fun TV show to watch. Your jaw might drop at some of the obviously valuable, precious collectibles that get pawned on the show, but it is educational and tons of fun to watch.

No matter what TV show here you fancy, you can always count on a good watch with tons of fun facts about your favorite collectibles.